Saturday, January 26, 2019

Estoy dejando lo en paz.

Taking the ABSITE tomorrow, and very much looking forward to it being over for another year. I just need to think about something else for a change. Have a long list of 'To Do' that have been patiently waiting for many months now.

I'm not ready for tomorrow. There are those surgeons out there who like to remind us that you they do know everything, and it is possible to be ready to take the ABSITE/take your boards/or whichever test is before you. Unfortunately I am not one of those. Figured that out long ago. And so when I have long days, or non-stop calls, my study time gets chipped away little by little and I end up in my current predicament. Not ready to be tested on the vast field of General Surgery including but not limited to Trauma, Vascular, Foregut, Colorectal, Critical Care, Hepatobiliary, Cardio-Thoracic, Endocrine, Breast, Transplant, Pediatric, Pharmacology, Wounds, and then because we adhere to our title of "General" there's also a splash of Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Gynecology, Urology, Plastics, Oncology, Infectious Disease and Anesthesia thrown in there. I'm sitting here attempting to go through practice questions yet at the possibility that it could help me get one more question right, but I'm about ready to give it up an go to bed. I'm post call, and got home late as half of us residents were taking the test today the other half of us needed to cover until they could get out of their test. And in all honesty, getting enough sleep might do more to help me answer that one more question correctly than going over a few more practice questions.

Time to let it go for another year.  Start working on being a better surgeon again on Monday.

Couple of pictures from about a week ago. The hospital mandated its employees to stay due to threat of a huge storm. I was so lucky to be on call. Of course wasn't affected by the mandate as we never leave the hospital anyways. But our lab down in the basement of the hospital was taken over by facilities to provide places for mandated employees to sleep. We had a little too much fun enjoying the air mattresses prior to morning report the following morning!

 Luis and James

Monica voted for morning report as is!  Ha, didn't last as she was headed for the OR not even 5 minutes after this picture was taken.

Much Love.

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