Sunday, November 4, 2018

Estoy preocupada.

Residency changes a person. In my head I'm resilient. I'm impervious to the never ending scut work, useless inefficency, and overt abuse of the human being called a surgical resident. But I have to hang my head and admit, I. Am. Not.
These days, you will more often than not find me some place in the hospital in a state of confusion, tiredness, exasperation, and of course hunger. I used to be able to hold it back, but I ran out of patience and I just can't anymore. Breaking point reached and passed.
Our chief of Vascular Surgery is an absolutely amazing man and surgeon. The other day I was presenting yet another vascular consult to him and he stopped me in surprise, "They want what?!?!, Ah, we should tell them no stupid consults on Fridays!!"
I wish to emulate Dr. Babu when I say, I just can't do stupid anymore. Door closed and not accepting stupid.
But alas, that is also just in my head.

Dear Jesus, I pray for the grace to be understanding, the patience to be considerate, and the ability to love everyone, even as You would.

Amazing what a quick trip around the Snip can do for one's mental health. :) All better again!

I'm only half being facetious. ;) Truthfully though, never underestimate "the assembling of ourselves together" -Heb10:25

Much Love.

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