Friday, June 9, 2017

Estoy viajando otra vez.

I left the hospital early today. Wanted to give myself extra time due to reported construction around the airport. It wasn't early enough. I pulled up to my apartment with 7 minutes to the arrival of my train. The train station is a 10 minute walk. I ignored that last fact, changed, grabbed my already prepared bag and was out the door with 4 minutes to the arrival of my train. I set off half running half walking, which turned into just straight running by the last half mile, I was at under 2 minutes. Seeing my hurried state a lady rolled down her window and yelled at me if I wanted a ride. I grabbed the offer. She asked me when my train was, and when I told her, she cracked up laughing. And laughed the whole short minute drive up to the stairway that led into the station. I made my train.

Sometimes you just got to go for the impossible. Who knows what will happen.

Heading to Illinois for my cousin's wedding. Gonna be a good time. Best part is the list back at the hospital is nice and neat. We've worked hard and cleaned it up over the past week and a half. It would have been even nicer, but we were gifted a patient just yesterday. A real gem. Working on her plan today I called multiple services for a consult and without fail, when discussing the case, they would stop me and say... "so....Why is she admitted?" (With extra emphasis on the 'why' and extra inflexion at the end). To myself, I ask the same question.  In response to them, I deliver a well practiced story. They sigh. I sigh. We all sigh. And then move on. If I dig enough, I think I'll actually be able to find something that will justify her being our patient. In the meantime, she has some of the worst drug-seeking behavior I've seen yet. Like I said, a real gem. She's borderline buying herself a Psych consult already. I have no doubt it will be paid in full by Monday.

Much Love.

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