Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Estoy comiendo mentos.

Last year our program started Mock Orals for our senior residents. This is a very good thing. For myself personally, I am already terrified of even the idea of Oral Boards. But time does not stop, and one day it will be me standing before a panel of stoic well-seasoned surgeons who will throw every complication at me to see how I react and make decisions quickly. So all the practice I can get will be welcome.

Unfortunately, they schedule these mandatory mock orals on the same day, and the same time, for every senior resident. Not horrible back at Westchester as everyone will still be there if needed. However for our little hospital up in Bridgeport, it's a completely different story. This past Tuesday were mock orals. It left one 2nd year and two interns in charge of the entire surgical service. That includes all cases in the OR. All traumas coming in, no matter what level. As well as all patient's on the floor. Then to top it off our one second year was taken away to give a presentation at a Medical/Surgical Conference. Leaving the two interns alone.

This could have gone Very. Very. Bad. Many were nervous... most were nervous. I was almost hurt at what could be interpreted as a lack of confidence. Every resident has those bad days/calls. Completely bombarded with traumas, the consults never ending all with a full day in the OR and patient's decompensating on the floors. And I will admit, that could have happened. Very well could have happened. But at the same time, I will also say we could have handled it. Lived through the storm before and can definitely do it again... will do it again. This particular Tuesday, it was not required of us. We split the work, and by the time the seniors got back in the afternoon all but one OR case was done, floor was pretty tied up and traumas had stayed at bay.

Much Love.

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