Amophophallus dracontioides.
Amophophallus dracontioides in the Oti River valley.
Amophophallus dracontioides.
Oti River
Oti River
Fulani children caring for the young of their herd. Oti River valley
A few of the Fulani calves left behind.
Mandible fracture
Mandible fracture
Arch bars
Arch bars
Left shoulder mass
Some sort of necrotizing infection
Some sort of necrotizing infection

Not sure exactly how comfortable riding this bike is.
Happy Valentine's Day! Yes, I'll celebrate it even in Togo!
Dena handed out Valentine's to everyone. Surgeon humor at it's finest.
He said he had broken it two days earlier...
Weekly French lesson with Issa.
preop Thyroid mass
preop Thyroid mass
weekend adventure to Kara
I know the Harmattan's leaves a layer of dust, but that's a bit excessive!
weekend adventure to Kara. Roadside bread stand.
weekend adventure to Kara. L to R: Amanda Bressler, me, Christel (pharmacist from Australia), Janelle (short term RN from Ohio), Jebha (peds resident from Houston, TX), Kelli (long-term MK teacher), Theresa (long term RN)
weekend adventure to Kara. Stopping at the Reserve D'Elefants Djamde (Elephant reserve).
We brought cucumbers, bananas and papaya to feed the elephants.
Elephant best friends.
At the Elephant Reserve
Selfie with Kopianga
Kopianga being patient with her new best friend.
Ruki had some FOMO
Couldn't leave Ruki out!
leaving the Elephant Reserve on the banks of the Kara River
Kara River
Kara River
weekend adventure to Kara, roadside gasoline stand.
weekend adventure to Kara. Driving through some sort of village fetish ritual.
weekend adventure to Kara. driving through some sort of village fetish ritual.
weekend adventure to Kara. driving through some sort of village fetish ritual.
yam field
growing yams, yam field.
Baobab trees. Currently none of them have their leaves.
We've been having some wicked winds lately. It blew the harmattans back in thicker than ever before. We drove through the Kabiye mountains, couldn't actually see the mountains.
weekend adventure to Kara
Northern Togo
roadside Northern Togo
roadside Northern Togo
This accident happened some time ago. No one to clear the wreckage. We just drive around, same as everyone else.
Northern Togo
Northern Togo
roadside Northern Togo
roadside Northern Togo
roadside Northern Togo
roadside Northern Togo
Northern Togo
Mango, local human trash and waste dump.
along my off-compound running route
Much Love.