Sunday, September 29, 2013

He's One!!

This Little Bear turns One today!!!

Aunt Christy loves you Peter Bear!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Yo estoy una cereza.

I first became acquainted with Patient Y (Paty) last week.  Brought in by EMS accompanied by her guards from the prison where she currently resides, Paty presented to the ED as a level 1 trauma with a pencil and a tweezers stuck in her abdomen.  As the story has unfolded since then, it turns out this is about the 10th time Paty has presented with objects in her abdomen, pencil being a favorite. Put there by non-other but Paty herself.  At least half of the trauma surgeons at WMC have operated on Paty, and to hear them tell it her abdomen is an absolute mess.  What I want to know is, with her history and in a place with a 24 hour guard, HOW DID SHE GET A PENCIL?!?!?!?!  New York says it's an inmate's right to have a pencil, you say?  Well then, I'm soooooo sorry to disagree, but when a person has REPEATEDLY proven to be a danger unto him/herself with said pencil, then NOOOOOOOO!!! YOU DO NOT GET A PENCIL!!!!

NO!!!!! NO!!!! NO PENCIL FOR YOU!!!!

Really, the New York prison system should be ashamed of themself for allowing this to repeatedly happen!

Hold on, moving onto mini vent #2.

All any person has to do is talk with me for a whole two minutes and they've seen me get red.  The vast majority of people don't comment.  And for the rest, well I've gotten used to it and just laugh along.  But once in awhile.....arrrrrh.  Yesterday one of the secretaries that I talk with usually on a daily basis couldn't resist the urgh and reached out to pinch my cheek gushing, "awwww, look at those cherry cheeks."  I was fine yesterday (surprising I know, after being treated like a 5 year old), but then today she made another such comment and for some reason this time it rubbed me the wrong way.   Really?!?!  You had your fun yesterday, we all laughed, MOVE ON now already.

Guess I've got to grow that skin another layer thicker.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Yo estoy bailando el robot.

Helpful hint: anything in [ ] is said in monotone at the pace of a caffeinated squirrel.  At least in my head it is. ;)

[zzzzzzzzzzzalarm. snooze. inhale. study. study. exhale. drive. drive. sing.]

This morning after the trauma meeting I was making my way through the hospital to medical records.  [walk. walk. inhale. walk walk. exhale.]  I heard a "Good Morning!"  [walk. walk. inhale.]  "GOOOD MOORNING!"  [walk. stop. turn. exhale.]  It was one of the techs that I worked with at the medical examiner's office a year ago!  [smile. express pleasure at chance meeting.  bid farewell. inhale. turn. walk. walk. exhale.]  Continuing on my way towards med records I realized, he'd had to yell to get me to stop. [walk. walk. inhale. walk. walk. sigh.]

I changed offices again.  I think for the last time.  There's actually a sign outside the door labeling it the 'international research fellows' room.  [read. read. inhale. read. type. exhale. repeat.] Juan Manuel came from Argentina to join us last week.  [check on Dr. Blood. inhale.] So there's someone to keep me from talking to walls. [type. type. exhale. appease Dr. A. inhale. read. read. exhale.] Had a conversation today with Juan about the current political environment of Argentina. [surprise. question. inhale.] One day, when things have changed there and the time is right he hopes to return and help make those changes.  But right now he says it's impossible. [read. read. inhale. check CNS-translate status. exhale.] Have I made an acceptable effort for the day?  Nothing's exploded? [pack up. inhale. exit. exhale. walk. walk. stop. inhale. smell rose. smile. exhale. walk. walk]

[drive. drive. inhale. drive. sing. exhale. study. study. inhale. study. study. exhale. study. study. inhale. study. stuzzzzzzzzzzz]


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Yo estoy usando el metodo cientifico.

Introduction:  Sometimes the head gets tired of studying.  The following experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of studying with one’s feet.

Methods: There was one participant (n = 1). The participant’s feet were placed on study book.  Learning was then tested by asking the participant a series of three questions based on what was stood upon. See Graphic 1.

Graphic 1.

Results: Questions were answered incorrectly 100% of the time (p < 0.0001).
See Table 1.

Table 1.

Question 1
Question 2
Question 3

Discussion: The Null Hypothesis (H0) was supported. This result was found to be statistically significant.  In other words, feet were not found to be a conducive avenue of learning.

Conclusion: Bummer!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Yo estoy volando.

September 15, 2013.

If one is to skydive, today would be the day to do it.  Absolutely, irrefutably gorgeous.  Another year has brought me to that point yet again.

I had wanted to write something in an attempt to do the day justice as I did a year ago today.  See HERE for reference.  There's so much I had wanted to say, but like all too often I can't get two lines to come out in any semblance of coherence.  I just can't today.  I'm sorry.  I hang my head and sigh, for I know I will regret not writing. But, I am tired, and the alarm is still due to sound early.

One thing, I will say.

Last year, I stood at the door of the airplane for months frozen in anticipation, wrestling an internal debate over whether to jump with a parachute or not.  This year not only did I not even go near the door, but hardly even looked in it's direction until this past week.  And when today came, I didn't even ask about a parachute.  The parachute was just a mindset anyways.  I just took a running start and went flying.

Perhaps those five sentences of analogous summary can really only make sense to me.  Me and Jesus.  He's flying right there with me.  I no longer need Him to catch me out of my fall.  I'm already in His arms.

I know in whom to trust.  I know whom I will serve for eternity.  My Lord and Saviour, Jesus.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 3:16

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Side Effect of Studying...